Tuesday, March 31, 2015

HA! (Albany Part 2)

Am I the only one who remembers Ha?
When Marcia Brady had a sleepover (the one where Peter puts the itching powder in the sleeping bags - always a lot of fun, that Peter…) one of Marcia's friends calls out, "Let's play Ha!"  Within minutes they are all laughing hysterically (but then itching because of the powder and the game is broken up).  So when we hit a lull in the conversation I suddenly called out, "Let's play Ha!"  Of course, no one knew what I was talking about.
Ha is where one person lies down and the next person lies with their head on their stomach…then the next person lies with their head on that person's stomach and so on.  Then somehow you laugh - or I guess you start saying Ha Ha, you know, fake it till you make it - and the sensation makes you laugh and then everyone is laughing!!!
My family was willing to try.  I look like the only one laughing but we did laugh a bit…mostly at how stupid this game is.  I challenge our blog readers to try a game of Ha at their next family gathering and see if they can muster up a good laugh.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

I miss the blog :(