Saturday, March 28, 2015

Johnny D's Every Week

In yesterday's post I mentioned dinner before The Moth…here we are wandering around Davis Square in the rain looking for a fast bite.
We only had about 30 minute so we ducked into Johnny D's.  This place has been around for ever.  The T-shirts they wear at the bar say "Where your Nana used to drink".   
Look how happy I am already.
I was even happier to see that they had a pre-show going on (every night is live music) - a guy playing a xylophone.  Now I wouldn't normally rush out to buy tickets to a xylophone show but this guy was really good!!

Since I am incredibly predictable I started saying things like, "Why don't we ever come to Johnny D's?? We need to start coming here EVERY WEEK!!" (This is my mantra anytime I discover or rediscover something good…I instantly set the expectation too high.  I never learn to just say, let's think about this next time we're looking for something to do….)

We're off to Albany this morning and since my mom doesn't have wifi tomorrow's blog may be delayed until we are home again.  Have a good weekend everyone!

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