Monday, March 30, 2015

Visit to Albany Part 1

It's been almost a year since I've been to Albany to see the family - and even longer for Bill.  So now that (we thought) the weather was settled down we made the trip out.    It snowed, of course but we managed to find our way.

Bill and Gina win for most photogenic couple.
Blog readers may remember my great-niece Lily but now I'd like to introduce them to my great-nephew Andy.  A lot can happen in a year.  Andy is transgender and has been making the transition while I've been away. He still got tons of style - funky t-shirts and red front locks - and a hearty appetite.
We ordered pizza and we all had a good catch up.  Heather is becoming a manager at the local Cumberland Farms where they love her.  This was the weekend she switched from night shifts to permanent days so she was in a bit of a fog while she changed her sleep pattern.
Mum and Bill having a little heart to heart…Bill ikea to ask her provocative questions about family feuds and the man Andy (my bother) is named after.  He had one blue eye and one brown and was killed by a snow plow.  We know there has to be even more to that story….

AJ and Eden's kids are adorable.  They particularly liked Elaine the rat.

Somehow this picture lead to a who-can-open-their-mouths-widest competition between me and AJ.
Hmmm….a tie?

Then the whole family got involved.  Show off your uvula!
Uvula pictures are exhausting.
Bill and Gina just had to show off again how good they look in photos that do not involve uvulas.
But the night wasn't over.  More Albany antics tomorrow...

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