Thursday, March 26, 2015

Charter Street

Working on the Atwood house is reminding me of our first condo.  These are the pictures we took as we put it on the market to sell - it never looked so clean and pulled together in real life.  It's funny to see how many things we still have and now many have been sold, thrown out, given away…where is that red apple now?
 Hard to imagine Bret and Joey sharing this little room now.
 We got to enjoy our kitchen renovation for about 5 minutes before we sold it and had to leave.  Now I hate our kitchen so I know eventually we will have to do it all over again.
 Back in the days when our couch cushions were fluffy.
 The people who live in it now have a giant white porcelain horse head in the living room.

 I spent many hours out on that tiny little porch with Noodles.  It looks like she is admiring her own portrait.
That condo was small…and drafty….and the basement had that sewer problem…but I loved it.  

1 comment:

andreaoz said...

I loved that condo, too, but it was never the same after you guys left (read: "abandoned me"). Missing you in Edinburgh, too!