Friday, March 27, 2015

A Grand Slam

Bill and I both worked at our offices yesterday so we had to drive from Littleton/Chelmsford in the rain at rush hour…a situation that made us question the decision to head into Somerville on a week night.  I was cranky and frustrated that we weren't going to get any dinner (we did - but we've saved those pictures for another post).  We had tickets to go to The Moth storytelling event.
I heard about it through a friend's web site - and there he is!  
This is a championship slam which means 10 winners from past events will tell stories to compete for first place.  Matthew would be one of them.  I ran down to talk to him and his truly lovely wife Elysha while Bill stayed at our seats and took pictures of us talking.

Matt was up second after a random drawing - he says this is not a good position to be in since the judges tend to hold back their highest votes until later in the night.   But Matt was terrific.  All the stories have to be true and something that happened to you, not something you've heard.  He told the story of being stung by a yellow jacket and having an allergic reaction at home but being able to call his mom on the phone (who managed to get help to him).  He had a great delivery and had me laughing and tearing up…and was in first place for most of the night until another guy told a story about an operation he had on his penis when he was six.  As soon as I heard the word penis over and over I knew Matt was in trouble.  How could you not give it to the penis guy?
And to think that at one point in the ride I was ready to say let's skip it rather than spend so long on the road.  I was really glad we were there to cheer him on. 
10 great stories = 1 great night.

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