Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bathroom Reno Part 2

TIles are down! I repeat, tiles are down!
We are about halfway through the bathroom renovation so here's how it looks so far.
Next - painting and replacing all the fixtures.  And before you say that the paint on the walls looks good with the tile, let me say that Bill hates the color so it's definitely changing. It actually looks like it matches the earth tones in the floor more in the pics than it does in real life.  I'm hoping we will get to the paint store today to pick colors (more negotiation!!).

 The one thing that I realized too late was how dark the shower is…there is no light in the tiny cubicle so you are dependent on light from the rest of the bathroom.  We always use a clear curtain to allow as much light in as possible but these grey tiles seem even darker than before.   Oh well, as long as it looks good I guess our guests will just have to deal with blind showers. 

1 comment:

didi said...

Yuck! The paint is horrible! Get thee to a paint store immediately! (of course I'm kidding, I do like the light color, especially considering the darkness of the shower. Look forward to seeing the next batch of photos!)