Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Sterling Night

Bill and I drove to Sterling, MA last night for dinner with Jessica and Dima.  Sterling seems like a sleepy little village but it does have a claim to fame:  It was the home of Mary Sawyer in 1830...Anyone want to guess?

Dinner was Cincinnati Chili - served over pasta with copious amounts of cheese and an oyster cracker for every bite.  I can't explain the flag - it was there, so I waved it.

This is the Death Star.  The instruction manuel was thicker than some of my bookclub books.  Building it was a family event (lead by Kiril who didn't make it into any of our photos)  so it's kept intact away from the reach of Sabina.

I still love Han Solo.  (Han's response, "I know.")

This is Sabina.  She likes the camera…and singing…and talking…and showing us the food in her mouth and her belly button….I think I can sum her up by quoting one of her key phrases:  "It's Show Time!!!"
All the women in the house like a good photo op.  Jessica's mother, Barbara, lives in an apartment connected to the house.  She is the host of the longest running cable access show called Barbara And You on the local Fitchburg channel.  Based on our dinner conversation I'll bet it's a great show.  She even offered to have me on as a guest.  Are the people of Fitchburg ready for Barbara And Jen?
Sabina was ready to host her own talk show.
Male bonding.
Did you guess who Mary Sawyer was?  She brought a lamb to school and inspired a poem.  Sadly her house burned down in 2007 but they do have a statue in the town center to commemorate her. 
Thanks for a great night J, D, K, S & B!

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