Saturday, March 7, 2015

When Laura's away the cat will play...

…at our house.
We have a visitor this week.  This is Mickey.  Isn't he a handsome fellow?

 He's also enormous.  18 pounds of cat.  Simon doesn't know what to make of him.
Mickey doesn't really know what to make of Simon, either.
 Mickey and I had pizza night and watched two episodes of House of Cards.  Mickey thinks season 3 is a snoozer but I'm trying to wait it out cause I hear it gets better soon.  Mickey punished me for making him watch by wanting to sleep on my head at 3:30 AM.  Negotiations ensued.
 Bill flew home on the red eye and should be landing as I type this.  Mickey and I will be here to welcome him home.

1 comment:

didi said...

Does this mean I see a cat in your future?