Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sunday in Portland

Scenes from my Sunday in beautiful Portland.
I got lucky with the weather.  Notice that there are no two story snowbanks in Portland.

Jen said this book store is on her bucket list.  My wife is a simple woman.

 Magnolia trees in full bloom.  I love the magnolia tree, although the blooms usually last only a week.

This guy was video taping a girls soccer match with a camera perched atop of a pole.

I settled in and watched dogs running around the park.

Travel monkey is enjoying himself.

I don't know why this hoop says welcome to California.

Famous Portland sign on the Morrison bridge.

The shoppers were out in droves.  If I wanted a dream catcher this was the place to go.  Otherwise, there was nothing worthy of purchase.

Portland is lousy with little food carts.

Eating meat at these carts scared me, so I settled on The Grilled Cheese Grill.  It was great.

Nice dog outfits.

The vanity of people who practice acrobatic routines in public escapes me.  I'm embarrassed to walk in public.

A view from the bridge of the dream catcher shops.

Radio KBOO.  Portland has good graffiti. 
I had to hustle back that night for a two hour call with the Australian employment counsel for a hearing.  I was glad a had a few hours to tour this lovely city.

1 comment:

Jana said...

You were very close to my 'hood; I can see Portland from my backyard ;-)

Jen is a wise woman. I could live in Powell's.

Glad you enjoyed your visit!