Monday, May 11, 2015

We're Back!!

The blog is back!  Thank you to everyone who asked about it and actually sounded like you missed it!! Whether it was true or not, we appreciate the sentiment. 
In fact, I found out that we have a reader that I didn't even know was following us - Marta!  This is Marta and John at Booktopia.  Shortly before this picture was taken she surprised me by asking why we stopped blogging and when would we post a picture of the finished bathroom.  That was when I knew we needed to start up again.  My decorating updates were in demand!

Here is the new wallpaper.  These two actually do look a lot alike side by side…granted, it is the exact same pattern in different colors.  The one on the left is in the old dining room and the one on the right is in the third floor bedroom.  In real life they really don't look the same….or maybe they do and I'm fooling myself?  Anyway, I love them!!

And here is the third floor guest room.  What a difference! 

Since I'm catching up a bit, I wanted to document that it is now officially SPRING!  See?  No snow!  
Our beautiful port town at sunset.
And since I'm playing catch up and this picture was a one off I'll add it on here…Michelle's good bye party.  This is my old team from many years ago.  It was so great to spend time with these folks again.  
Thank you to everyone who has sent their condolences about my brother Andy. The last time I spoke to him he told me that he read the blog every day so I know he would want us to keep going.
However, our life at home is no where near as busy or interesting as our life in London so we have decided not to force ourselves to keep a daily posting schedule.   Let's face it, some days are just not blog worthy - although I will say that this blog has pushed us to try to MAKE every day blog worthy.  We will definitely try to do a few posts a week but the best way to follow us is to sign up to get an email every time we post.  We have a lot to catch up on from the past 6 weeks (the festival, Bootopia, etc) so at least in the short term I know we have plenty of pictures to share before Bill resorts to the Sink Series again.
Thanks for sticking with us!!


Fletch said...

Welcome back blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the guest bedroom :) -Marta

Amie said...

Welcome back - oh how I've missed you!

Team Strunkin said...


Lisa Roberts said...

Glad to see you are blogging again. I was thinking about your blog yesterday when I did my "A Day in the Life of Miles" and realized how time consuming this picture taking and documenting is.

Kats said...

Ohhh, you're giving us ideas, Lisa. Perhaps Miles should have his own blog! ;-)

Kats said...

Hi Marta,
That guest bedroom is pukka, I loved staying there! And the wallpaper is beautiful, both editions of it. Sharp dressers and stylish decoraters, our Jen & Bill!
Hope all is well in Seattle!
Kats x