Monday, March 16, 2015

Sunday dinner with the family

I had Sunday dinner over Zoe and Bret's place.
They are great cooks and served a lovely beef dinner.
 It was my first time over their house and it reminded me of our first place in Newburyport.  We had one room and the boys slept on the one bed and we slept on the couch and floor.
Malikai and Wyatte have a bunk bed.  Zoe and Bret have a twin bed.
But it is homey and comfortable and well kept and feels like a wonderful home.
 Zoe has a new do and new glasses and looks chic.
She was rewarded for her new look with the biggest piece of beef.
 The boys enjoyed eating their dinner like they lived in the wild.
 Great dinner, kids.
I'll be back soon to your lovely home.

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