Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy St. Paddy's Day

It's St. Patrick's Day at the Victoria Port Tavern.
Old Bill and Jen ate dinner at 9:00 and we were wondering why it wasn't buzzing yet.
Apparently even in our little town young people go out after 10 to start the night.
 I'm trying to pull off looking Irish.
Epic fail.
 Hard to believe the redhead is nearing 50.
 Traditional-ish Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage.
 It took us 5 songs to realize there was no live band.
There is always a live band here.  Where is the live band?
 Jennie is Queen of the pretend impromptu selfie.
 I should have cropped me out of this shot.  Taking it for the team.
 Big hat, no cattle.
I made that comment a dozen times and laughed to myself each time.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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