Thursday, March 12, 2015

Scenes from a Summit

Here are a few picture of the after party of our HR Summit in Cambridge.

Scott dressed up in his bow tie in homage to me.  The pupil surpasses the teacher. 
 As usual there are many incriminating pictures of me.
 Mikala's standard pose.
 Paulie is the most photogenic member of the team.
 I told you he passed me.
 My international friends.
 On our way to dinner.
 Rakesh never smiles.
 Peter was upset that all the pictures of him look creepy, so I tried to capture him in candid, non-creepy poses.
 Another one for Jen's divorce file.  I look very happy/bottled.
 My cool pose.
This is one of the few pictures with the carrot that I can post.
My hat was very popular.

ummm...don't know what to say here....
 why doesn't anyone kiss my bald head?
 Michelle is a good poser.
 Best use of my hat.
 I made Amy take a few pictures in this pose, just to get it right of course.
 There's my hat again.
Fun time with the team.  Good to be back home with them all.

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