Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bathroom Reno #3….Almost finished….

As the tile guy was leaving he said, "You should paint now before the plumber comes and the fixtures are in the way."
Damn.  Why didn't we think of that?
Off to the paint store.  Decision made.  Colors chosen.  Fresh painting supplies purchased.

Can you tell how much I enjoy painting?
As you can see, I tend to bump my head on the sloped ceiling, elbow the wall etc getting paint all over myself and messing up the job.  Bill liked how my hair kept getting whiter and whiter.   I stepped in some paint drops and then walked all the way downstairs to get something before I noticed.  

I realized that we have painted every room in this house (except the kitchen and half bath) at least once, some more than once….I think next time we should call in professionals.
The wood work will be Oxford White but the wall color will be…..

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