Monday, March 2, 2015

Saturday Family Fun

My Mom, Allie, Joey, Bret, Wyatte and Malikai popped over for a nice send off before I headed to Portland for the week for work.  This is what I was hoping there would be more of since we've been home; the impromptu family visit.
We've been clearing out the house, so gave the kids get first dibs (I wonder if they use 'dibs' in England?) on our castaways.

Jen packed away many boxes of books to be donated to the Library book sales to make way for the ones she brought from England.  Joey and Allie scored a few before they go.
 Should we tell Wyatte that in the UK his backward peace symbol means something else?
 Malikai had a very smiley day.
 Lunch at the pub.  I had to do the obnoxious thing of telling the waitress we had less than an hour before I had to go home and catch a flight.
(Note from Jen to Chris - that's an ad for stout above Malikai's head - not the name of the pub!)   
 Our future math teacher.
 Bret looking good with his new hair style.  Mom was happy to see us all together.
Only Zoe was missing since she had to work.
 Classic Wyatte and Allie.
 It wouldn't be a family blog post without one Malikai goofball picture.
 See?  Big smiley day.
 Love this picture.
 Now that I think of it, I don't have many pictures of Allie and Joey together where one or both of them are not acting up.  Maybe that's where Malikai gets it.
 Malikai pretending he is a beaver.
 Time to head to Oregon.
Miss the gang already.

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