Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Trivia Night in the Port

Christin and I were back representing Weak Sauce in this week's trivia.  (Note:  I keep calling it a quiz and the people at the tavern look at me strangely…it's Trivia Night).

Here are this week's movie pics of stills from behind the scenes.  Christin got #1 (ET).  I was pretty upset that my brain went right to The Birds when that is clearly Janet Leigh for Psycho (#3).  And I wracked my brains for the name of the movie in #2 but just couldn't come up with it (The Professional).  We did well on the others, though.  (I think we were supposed to say "Episode 4 - a New Hope" for Star Wars but I'm not sure.)
Trivia Questions: 
The cast of what reality TV show's 3rd season in San Francisco featured Pedro? 
"Help spread the good news" was the the motto of this bible company that placed bibles in hotels?  (It might not be a "motto" but I didn't jot down the exact question…)
Democrat in MA that served as speaker of the house  1995 - 1999 in congress?
What planet in our solar system is not named after a Greek or Roman god?
What author wrote the 1958 novella Breakfast at Tiffanys?  
What river passes through the capitals of Austri, Slovinia, Hungary, and Serbia?
In it's founding year of 1910 what US president became the president of the Boy Scouts? 
Who was the wife of Othello? 
What city served as the capital of West Germany in 1949? 
What 1983 film was the 2nd adaptation of the Ian Fleming book Thunderball and the last movie with Sean Connery as Bond?  
Who won the 1975 Pulitzer prize for the comic strip Doonsbury?  
The ist edition of this 1941 comic book featured the hero punching Hitler?  

We had a lot of fun even though we missed Bill.  And we have a lead on a fourth member for next week.  That's what's important, right?  Not whether you win or lose….this is about fun, teamwork, companionship….are you figuring out yet that we came in dead last?  We bet 10 points for each of the last bonus questions and we were wrong on both. By then we knew we were in the bottom third after a dismal 4th quarter so why not go for it, right?

Trivia Answers:
The cast of what reality TV show's 3rd season in San Francisco featured Pedro?  
The Real World
"Help spread the good news" was the the motto of this bible company that placed bibles in hotels?  Gideon
Democrat in MA that served as speaker of the house  1995 - 1999 in congress?
Tip O'Neill
What planet in our solar system is not named after a Greek or Roman god?  
What author wrote the 1958 novella Breakfast at Tiffanys?  
Truman Capote
What river passes through the capitals of Austri, Slovinia, Hungary, and Serbia?  
The Danube
In it's founding year of 1910 what US president became the president of the Boy Scouts?  Taft
Who was the wife of Othello? 
What city served as the capital of West Germany in 1949?  
What 1983 film was the 2nd adaptation of the Ian Fleming book Thunderball and the last movie with Sean Connery as Bond?  
Never Say Never Again
Who won the 1975 Pulitzer prize for the comic strip Doonsbury?  
Gary Trudeau
The ist edition of this 1941 comic book featured the hero punching Hitler?  
Captain America

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