Sunday, June 1, 2014

Last Gasp with the Flask

We met up with Diane again before she headed back to Orlando on Saturday.  Ann Maria told us about  a cool pop-up restaurant in Hoxton.  'Pearl' offered British tapas, all of which was lovely.

What happened to my hair?  I'm disheveled.  Then I spilt two big drop of beet juice on my white pants.  I'm a mess.

I think we over ordered.

New buds.  Diane was in London for three weeks.  Diane's company sent her here to fill in for a fellow accountant who was out of the office.  I thought Jen and I have been taking advantage of our opportunity abroad, but we are slackers compared to Diane.  She was busier than a cat trying to bury poo in a marble floor.  Jen liked that Diane went to all the places Jen recommended and loved them.  Good tour guide, our Jen.

Diane is completely fearless and spontaneous about trying new things and meeting people.  I loved her story about going out with a new acquaintance, losing him in a night club, so she ended up hanging with two homeless women who she shared her flask with.  We told her about Kats stranger-danger comment, which made her laugh.
We got to know her because we saw her at our favourite restaurant, Fernandez and Wells, invited her to quiz night and found ourselves drinking from her flask on Jen's birthday.  I love the randomness of our London encounters.

Speaking of random, we met a couple of dudes in front of a bar near our restaurant.  The guy on the left was a hockey player.  He was chaperoning his brother in law, Jamie.  Jamie had a few and needed chaperoning.

I don't think Jen will ever kiss me again after Jamie and I shared a cigar.
Stranger Danger, indeed.

Don't be fooled by his big smile and his momentary lapse into sobriety.  Jamie is bottled and as I type this he is nursing a massive hangover.

The night is coming to a close.  

Time to get out of Shoreditch.
Good night, Diane.  Lovely to meet you and we'll cross path with you and your flask soon.

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