Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Arran Views

This is our hotel on the southern coast of Arran. 
 After I took the picture above, I turned and took this one below.  The hotel is no where near as nice as our last one in Tighnabruaich (you'll notice I'm not posting any interior shots.  It's absolutely nothing to get excited about) but the view is pretty spectacular.  And we have a balcony with two chairs that over look the water.

A bit of an old castle is our neighbor.

Where's Bill?
One guess what went through my mind when Bill told me to take his picture in the tall grass.
(If you guessed TICKS, you're right!!  The UK doesn't have the same tick/lyme problem that we do but old habits die hard.)
 The view looking back at the hotel from down the beach.
 This is the view from our balcony.  I was able to crop out the corrugated tin shack off to the side that seems to serve as housing for their imported staff.  As I type this it's 11:04pm and the sun is finally setting.   It will be up again in about 5 hours and it's been strong - - I actually have a sun burn on this trip!
COming up on Wednesday:  Golf in the morning for Bill and a castle in the afternoon for Jen.

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