Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Celeb Sighting for the Yanks

Usually when I talk about celebrities I've seen I'm talking about British actors who have been on a BBC show that I watched with the NPPS girls.  This time I have one for the masses.
Can you see who the guy is in the dark jacket?
 Jimmy Fallon!
He and I were both at "Bring Up The Bodies" - the stage adaptation of Hilary Mantels' Booker Prize winning novel.  I spotted him a few rows behind me when we were leaving the theater and made sure that I stayed close until we got outside.  I seemed to be the only one trying to snap a photo (as usual) so I was trying to keep out of his line of sight.  I don't think my paparazzi skills are improving on this trip.  Sorry for the blurry side views but I assure you, this is him.
(The play was very good, by the way.)


Mom said...
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Lisa Roberts said...

Stalker alert!

didi said...

What inappropriate comment did your mom make?!?!?