Thursday, June 19, 2014

Bute-iful Trees

I mentioned the other day that we toured a mansion on the Isle of Bute.  We were not allowed to take photos inside the house but Bill took a lot of pictures of the trees.  They were enormous - it was hard to show the scale of them with our little camera.  I was thinking how much Whitney would have enjoyed this visit.

Bill downloaded a few pictures off the internet of the house as well for those non-arborist readers.  One tidbit from the tour - - there are carvings all over the house but the tops of some of the pillars are left blank.  This was because the carvers were called up for WWI before they could finish and after they died the family decided to leave the remaining carvings undone in their honor.

We head out to a new B&B this morning in Ayr.  Hopeful for continued internet service.

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