Friday, June 27, 2014

The night I didn't see Jimmy Fallon

While Jen was off with Louise (and bumping into Jimmy Fallon) I took a long walk.
A long walk in London always seems to produce a few blog worthy moments.  Yesterday didn't disappoint.

A good place to practice your juggling act is in Kensington Gardens.

Walking past the Albert Memorial.  The sun was reflecting off of it just so ....

And in front of it was this amusing street hockey game.  Check out the little tiny nets.  None of them were really very good hockey players.  In New England you could arrange such a game and the guys would be flying around, skating like semi-pros.  In London these guys seemed to spend more time chasing a wild shot than actually playing.

But what a backdrop for a game.

I'm a sucker for a flag picture.

Bad picture because I had to stretch over a private fence to take this one.  There was a Shakespeare production going on in the park.  I watched for a bit.  The actors were in great form for this dress rehearsal.

No celebrities, but an eventful little evening nonetheless.

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