Sunday, June 8, 2014

We Bonnie Gulled on Friday

A dinner blog.  Sorry fans.
Jen found a beachie feeling joint called Bonnie Gull.
I like the picture on their website.  The guy in grey sweats is classic.
Bonnie Gull has a good sense of humour.

Jennie has become fan of the cocktail.  A whole new world of drinking has been opened up to her.

Just add a cucumber to anything to improve it.

The restaurant is new so everything is bright and shiny.  A party of twenty sat next to us.  They cheered when a young guy came in.  We thought it must have been his graduation or his bar mitzvah. Turns out the young man was the owner of the restaurant.  Good for him.  I hope he didn't pay for all 20 people.  He will be out of business before the end of the summer.

Crab, meet Bill.  Bill, crab.
Preparing for the battle.  I probably should have opted for the hazmat suit followed by the Silkwood shower.

Clams and fish from the southern regions of England.  Very fresh and very good.

I think I still smell like crab.
Which reminds me of our dinner conversation.  Would you sleep with your celebrity crush if you ended up with crabs afterwards?

Mr. Dibley entertained us with his Crab Man performance.  In his version of the story, Crab Man is the product of a mixed race couple .... she's a crab ... he's whatever Dibley is.
(Dibley just hit me...)  Anway, Crab Man overcomes much ridicule growing up to become a world famous hair stylist.  (I didn't see that plot twist coming.  Dibley spins a good yarn.)

Mr. Dibley was not impressed with my pedestrian rendition of Crab Man.  Mine was an evil crab man who assaults people with his crab claw.  Dibley just shook his head in disgust over my lack of imagination.
Bonnie Gull has a great Nantucket, Newburyport vibe.
This was our first visit to Exmouth Market.  It is a tight little London village with some smart restaurants.  We'll may come back.  (wait... Jen said there is a book store she wants to hit.  We WILL be back)

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