Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Back in the Middle (Where We Belong)

We came in 6th out of 12.  Right in the middle of the pack.  I was fine with that.  There was too much pressure at the top.  Chris kept announcing us as "reigning champs" every time he would call out our low score.  The rabble love to see the mighty fall, don't they?
This week Jedi Sauce was Ann Maria, John, Jason, Jen and Bill.

Next to us was a team we weren't familiar with - the Thunder from Down Under.  They will full of big talk and the girl squealed loudly at every right answer.  They came in dead last.
This was supposed to be John and I squealing like little girls but now I realize I was the only one doing it.
Jane (blonde in forefront below) from 2 weeks ago was back and she brought a whole team!  Her husband, mother-in-law and friend.  They were Lost in Space.  She had a picture on her phone of chew toys in a pet shop that made her think of us (see post from 2 weeks ago). That prompted her friend to tell a story about an adult couple that she knows who still buy plush toys for each other so that their guest room is overrun with stuffed animals.   Can you imagine? Who would do that?  
I almost forgot to add that Bill's name was drawn from the hat to try for the weekly pot ($200GBP).  Every week they ask one of two questions and every week the person selected gets it wrong.  This week was no exception. The two alternating questions are the colors of the olympic rings and the colors of Google (in order - - or in reverse order as it was put to Bill last night.  He had Google.)
You'd think that every regular would memorize that and never get it wrong and yet…the pot awaits.

Quiz Sampler:
David Hasselhoff recent said "Wales is full of ____.  Their houses are so small!"
Where did Kim K and Kanye go on their honeymoon?
What is the average shoe sizes for men and women?
The name of what sweet food means "cooked twice" in latin?
The name of Lily Allen's father
Who is the head judge on Strictly Come Dancing?
Who is the tallest world cup player?
What animal was Basil of Baker Street
What dessert was original called Plum Bolster?
The OED recently added this 9 letter word for someone addicted to heroin.
5 political parties that got more than some sort of number of somethings in the last election (not votes - something like more than 3 seats in parliament…needless to say we just listed parties we'd heard of and let the locals sort it out.)
What sci fi TV classic aired the day after Kennedy was shot?


chi said...

I only got Basil...
I have to say I kind of feel that you are toying with your loyal readers when you post these fun questions - but don't provide the answers. Like you are taunting... or lording over us with your superior (albeit, often new-found) knowledge. Perhaps you could share and enlighten us all?
- An Anonymous Fan Tired of Being Condescended To

chi said...

PS - all grammar errors, poor word choice, etc. were completely intentional above. And I still have more steps than you both....

Jen and Bill said...

I didn't want to spoil it for the people who want to try to guess. Unlike quiz night - our readers can google the answers! As Dr N would say "Google it!!"