Saturday, June 21, 2014

Scottish Clouds

We had strangely warm and sunny weather in Scotland this week.  I never expected to come home with a sunburn.  
Despite clear skies (or maybe because of the clear skies?) there were some really dramatic cloud formations.  One night we had dinner on the west coast of Arran and looking back at the Kintyre peninsula we saw this cloud sitting on the ground.

 This shot isn't about clouds but I loved how the roads around Arran hugged the coast line, dipping up and down with crazy hairpin turns.  I sat in the passenger seat all week (I can't' drive a stick so Bill had to chauffeur) and snapped pics to try to show what the roads were like…once in a while I got a decent one.
 Heading into the main town of Brodick from the south we noticed a low cloud through the trees...
 As we rounded the corner we saw this low lier across the bay.

Bill and I are addicted to Scrabble on his phone.  We probably looked like a sad couple - not talking and glued to a device all the time - but we were quite happy to keep a tournament going all week.  We came home tied at 3 games each so now we need a tie breaker.  Or maybe see who gets best of 10?  This is Bill working on a power move as we wait for dinner to come to the table.  We both had several "bingos" (using all 7 tiles) but he had the best one with "undulate"for 131 points!!  I never recovered from that blow to the scoreboard.

We are home at this point but we probably have a few more posts worth of pictures before we go back to London updates and quiz night on Tuesday.

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