Saturday, June 14, 2014


After a lovely 4.5 hour train ride into Glasgow and a slightly rainy but scenic drive a few hours north we parked the car behind our little hotel in Tighnabruaich.  We will be staying here for three nights.
Since one of my vacation goals is to curl up as often as possible with a book, I made sure there was a nice reading spot in the room.
 …with a view, of course!

 Not bad, huh?  We are in the Kyles of Bute which is called Argyll's Secret Coast.
My other goal on this trip is walking.  Bill put on his golf duds for our first excursion.
We took about 100 pictures but I tried to just pick a few...

 At one point you turn inland to walk what turned out to be the second section of the Cowal Way - which is a marked walking path.  Not sure where the other sections are - - I guess I need to google it to find out more.  Anyway, that took us past a waterfall surrounded by vibrant green moss.  Bill had to climb it.
 He found this smoking spot on a tree over the water.

 Unfortunately there were swarming midges - they weren't so bad for Bill because the cigar smoke keeps them away.  Check out my windmill arm action trying to clear them from my face.  Basically ineffectual but gave me something to do while I waited for him to take a million pictures.
Ahhh…home again to be greeted by Archie, the hotel dog.

1 comment:

didi said...

Looks gorgeous. Please order Bill some room service.