Sunday, June 15, 2014

Puttering Around Tighnabruaich

This is our bathroom.  It's big and magnificent.  Every detail is perfect.

 The bath tub/shower still utilizes the Edwardian pipes and fixtures.  So when we arrived the owner, Anne, talked us through it.  She made it very clear that these pipes are noisy.  Despite that fore-warning I was still shocked how loud it really was.  The water pressure is great but it sounds like a demolition derby ten car pile up while you run the water.
 These are the original bathtub fixtures from above.

After breakfast this morning we went for a boat tour.  The boat is a little bigger than it appears in this photo.  For those of you who sailed with us with Captain Frank - - this was a very different experience.  All smooth sailing and lots of attention.
Our Captain, Donald, told us all about the Kyles of Bute with town gossip and updates on the Shinty team (which seems to be a very violent form of field hockey played by the local lads).

He made us tea for the return trip.
Our hotel from the boat.
Time for lunch and a walk.  Mr. Dibley came with us.
 And just in case my Fabbie Girls think I left him at home - Miles came too!!  He kept talking about how much he likes lamb chops.  It's hard traveling with a carnivore in your bag.

 View from the car ride back.  Bill said our readers will be sick of scenic shots.  Can you be sick of this?

1 comment:

didi said...

I never get sick of the scenery photos...gorgeous!