Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fun Friday at the Natural History Museum

This is Miles.  Miles is our Postal BookClub mascot.  He arrived in London this week from Kats in Switzerland along with her bookclub selection.  I will have Miles for the next two months before I send him off to Chris in Vermont.  Miles was excited for his first London Fun Friday.
I teased Miles that I would take him to the zoo (Bill said I was being insensitive - toughen up, Miles!) but instead I took him to the Natural History Museum.  It wasn't until I got there and realized it was full of DEAD animals that I thought maybe this was even less sensitive of me than the zoo?  
I'm not actually that excited about natural history but the building is beautiful.

 There were sculptures of animals everywhere in the building - like these monkeys climbing up the archways.  (Looks like it's time for a little dusting!)
 Miles enjoyed photo bombing the big game hunter….
 and Charles Darwin.
Giant Sequoia.
 The story behind this gorilla was interesting.  He came to the London Zoo as a baby on Guy Fawkes night in 1947 and was a hugh attraction for them.  People loved to see him scoop up birds and then let them go.  He died of heart failure during a dental procedure in 1978.  It took 9 months for the taxidermist to prepare him for display. 
Miles and I agreed that the building was the best part of the museum.  After an hour he was itching to move on.
 This is more like it - Miles enjoyed our stop in the park for a pastry and tea and bit of a read.


Unknown said...

Lucky Miles...From the Mountains of Switzerland to the sites of scintillating London..he is one lucky
stuffed lion.. However, wait until he sees the seas of sunny LaLa Land..Can't wait to explore Hollyweird with him.
...and I see he has great taste in literature...or is it "lionature"?

Kats said...

Lovely, cuddly Miles!!! I miss you, baby!! But so glad you're having a fun time with our JenJen; what a refreshing change after the sedate Swiss sojourn. Did you not ask Jen to take you to the dinosaurs exhibit or the earthquake room at the NHM? Those are the only two things worth seeing there, IMHO. I don't think you'd be fazed by that earthquake simulator but it could be a good preparation before you're eventually off to LalaLand! Stay in touch, handsome! xxx