Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just Another Tuesday Night for Jedi Sauce

Jedi Sauce took on the Victoria again Tuesday night.  We didn't have expanded team we had last week but a new friend of the Jedi's, Marty, came to play.  Our mate John was there, of course, although he told us that his assignment in the Paddington office ends this month!! Not sure what we will do without him - he puts the Jedi in Jedi Sauce.
We also had Jason back - he's been away the past few weeks.  
Jason doesn't play it safe.  We spent the night in the bottom third so when we got to the final "Wipe Out" round he wanted to answer every question rather than just the safe ones.  Remember this is the round where if you lose one, you lose them all.  Here we are toasting our luck as we pass our completed sheets to our neighboring team, Bananamen.
As each answer is read we are getting them right….one after another.  Jason kept a completely straight face.  I tried.  Really, I tried.

"And with all 10 right for a total of 15 points in the last round…..JEDI SAUCE!"
That's right folks…we WON!!!!  I suspect that this is the only time I will type these words on a Wednesday morning.  I only wish Ann Maria was there to share the glory.
 It was late so the free round of drinks will follow us to next week when fall back to our usual position in the bottom third.  
Quiz Sample:
What year was UKIP founded?
5 female solo artists who have the most Twitter followers.
5 most populated English counties with a compass point in their names
What stellar object was discovered in 1930?
Who got his nickname from the black and gold striped shirt he wore?
What Mississippi town (starting with T) was Elvis Presley born in?  
Gary Newman, Cliff Richard, and Crystal Gayle all had this as their original surname.
How much (in stones) did the world's fattest man (who just died) weigh? 
South Korea is instituting either A) women only driving lanes or B) women only parking spaces?
50/50 chance - does the Russian alphabet have more or fewer than 26 letters?  (This is where my few years of Russian in college paid off!!!  Orchestra guessed in correctly and lost the round)


chi said...

the Korean parking spaces question was on Wait Wait this weekend - I could have helped with that! they do it by painting them pink! Bill would be sad!
When was UKIP founded - are people reacting with proper horror at their success?

Mom said...

I knew Elvis was born in Tupelo, but that's about it.