Thursday, May 1, 2014

What I was doing while Bill was hanging out with Mr. Dibley

I tried to see as many friends as I could while I was home so I made the most of my "free" weekend in between Booktopia and Lit Fest.
Friday night dinner with Stacey and Didi!  Unfortunately they got the grainy iPhone selfie shot.
Saturday morning it was legs and eggs with Noelle (as in breakfast and a walk…what did you think I meant?)  
We'd make an attractive lesbian couple, wouldn't we?  

 Noelle gave me these monkey paper clips.  They went into my hair immediately
 This is a picture of laughter although I admit that, looking at it again, it could look like a sneeze...but it's not.
 For the dog lovers - - Fig!
Then it was off to see Lisa! 

 This one is titled:  "Where are the condiments?"
(We really did ask that standing directly in front of 100 varieties of ketchup and mustard.  You'd think after 40+ years of grocery shopping we would be better at it.)
 I snapped a million pictures in the grocery store and told her that this is what her life would be like if she were a celebrity…or married to Bill.  
These are Lisa's cookies for her Tuesday Spoon Baking Company.  As delicious as they look!
The good thing about old friends is that you can pick up right where you left off…was the mall parking lot with Whitney.
It was nice to be back on my Nbpt walking route (didn't realize how blurry this photo was until I blew it up on the blog).
That is - until I took a digger on a late night power walk.  Ouch!  Left knee and hand in need of skin grafts.  When was the last time you had a skinned knee?  I forgot how much an open wound can hurt.
Last but not least - boys!!  They went to a festival event at the library on Saturday.
They are growing up fast, aren't they?
 Then spent some time chilling out on the coach with Dad and a cartoon.  Despite not having any Jen blood in his vein, Malikai watches TV just like I do - - with a wide open mouth.

Another great trip home - it went by too quickly.   I'm back in England now with Bill and Mr. Dibley ready for more London adventures!

1 comment:

didi said...

Where's the fluffernutter?