Tuesday, May 13, 2014

London Pitstop

Look who's back in London!!!
Mike and Kim had another lay over on their return trip home on Sunday and we were lucky enough that it was perfect timing for lunch at the pub.
The regulars were quietly enjoying a pint and their Sunday Roast when this group of irregulars walked in.
It's great to have friends that you can pick up exactly where you left off.  With Mike and Kim that usually means with a beer in our hand and a funny expression on our faces.
 It's nice to see the bromance in action again.  Bill and Mike never seem to get tired of each other or the same old jokes…over and over…the same ones…
I'm not sure which of these photos is more awkward - Bill feeding Mike or the way they are both looking up together with bright smiling faces.  Safe travels home, Mike and Kim, and come back soon!

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