Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Jedi Sauce

We teamed up with Jedi Knights this week again for quiz night and became Jedi Sauce.   I still think Weak Knights is a better name but it was ignored again.  Considering that the Jedi portion of our team answers 90% of the questions, I'm in no position to argue.

First, some bar shots. I have to say that I love the Victoria.  I feel completely at home here and I never tire of looking at it. Which means that you will continue to see many pictures of it on the blog.  The woman in the polka dot dress is one half of the team Freudian Slips.  They are good.  They are very very good.
 Oh - here is the other half of the Freudian Slips in the pink at the next table.  I am not sure which team is the foresome in the background and Getting Quizzy With It is blocked by the person in the trench coat.
 Here are our two Jedi Knights - John (left) and Andy.  A new team, Guinness, is in the background next to them.  Guinness ALMOST got the extra 5 points in the last round but missed the last question of the 10.  (If you get all 10 correct you get an extra 5. But if you miss one you get ZERO.  We got zero.)
 We got to know John a little better tonight. He's the one with the pen in hand above.  He spent most of the night on his cell phone checking a dating website called Tinder.    As you might imagine, once I realized what was going on I was all over it!!  I wanted to see each match, read his texts, hear about his dates etc.  I asked to see his profile - it said he was 48 years old and had a picture of him at work in an orange jump suit.  If he wasn't in some sort of enclosed tunnel I would have thought he was a convict going to trash pick on the high way.  He's an engineer so I assume that was him at a work site.  There was a second photo of him from his son's wedding that was better but not fabulous.
And it said he was 48 years old.
Then he commented on a woman who was 43 saying that she was too young for him.  43?  That's only 5 years….nope - turns out he is really 53 but lied about his age!!!  His excuse is that age is "only a number"  (If it's only a number then why lie about it??) and "you're only as young as the woman you're feeling" (no comment).  I have a whole new appreciation for Bill.  Meanwhile, I told him to set up dates for quiz night and I'll help him evaluate the women to fine him a mate.  Wouldn't that be a fun blog series??

These are the answers to tonight's quiz.  Well, some of the answers…26.5 of the answers to be precise. We were 7th out of 10 teams.
 This is my husband.  I know how old he really is and that is the foundation of a lasting relationship.
Quiz Questions:
  • It's called cilantro in the US…what is it in the UK?
  • List Julia Roberts' top 5 grossing movies (when I googled this at home I got a slightly different answer than they said at the pub)
  • The other top 5 were modern sports that have been in the olympics since 18xx (I can't remember the date or the exact phrasing of the question).   We got them totally wrong - one of the answers was "athletics" - what the hell is that?  Is that Track & Field?  Anyway, even googling I can't recreate that question. 
  • Whose house has been broken into twice recently?
  • Twins were born in the US last week doing this.
  • What type of bear is Ursus Maritimus?
  • It is illegal for residents of Monaco to do what?
  • We lost all our point in the last round by picking the wrong Kray brother (Reggie - the answer was Ronnie).  The Kray Brothers were English gangsters in the 60's.


Mom said...

I know the twins were born holding hands -- and the same thing happened again within a few days. Is the bear a polar bear?

Team Strunkin said...

Jedi Sauce is a much better name than Weak Knights - so just deal with it! :) but Get Quizzy With It might be my favorite. Also, I almost just spit out a mouthful of oatmeal when reading your line "athletics - what the hell is that?" what would be the acronym for that lolwo? Laugh out Loud with Oatmeal???

Jen and Bill said...

Mom - yes, polar bear!

Jessica - Isn't it all "athletics"? I wasn't the only one who was confused by this. I'm glad the oatmeal was projectiled rather than choked on.