Friday, May 2, 2014

Two Nights at The Vic

I got back to London in time for Quiz Night!  Weak Sauce is back and weaker than ever.  We only got 3 points on every round except one….name the 5 JaneAusten novels published before Persuasion.  Scoop of chocolate, scoop of vanilla - don't waste my time!!*
5 Points for Jen and Jane.

This is Bill and me after a "selfie head bump"
 Take two.
Our  Quiz Master…he referred to my jet lag several times.  Thanks for giving me an excuse, Chris.  I wish it were the real reason why we came in 6th out of 7 teams.  (Low attendance due to a big football match)
 Wednesday night - our first overnight visitor in London!!  Whitney is here!!
The pub was hoppin' Wednesday night.  We had to wait almost an hour to get a seat.  Every time we thought we had a table they would order dessert…then get one more beer…it seemed endless.  But we finally got a table and put in for a couple of meat pies.
I wish I got a better shot of this Weimaraner because he was a beauty.  And you know how we love seeing pups in the pub.
Bill pulls off stripes and plaid.
 When Whitney and I were kids we adopted the code names Magda and Dagmar Winnyspoon.    I've kind of forgotten why.  When I remember these things it makes me wonder what will happen when I become senile.  Will I start thinking I really am Dagmar Winnyspoon? 
This week's sample Pub Quiz Questions (we got a couple of these right):
Andy Murray was given the Freedom of the City in what UK town?
What sport recently broke with tradition to hold an event on Good Friday?
Who were Rocky Balboa's 5 opponents?
What is the capital of Cyprus?
What country was formerly known as Formosa?
Who was the goddess of the hearth?
What continent has no reptiles?

*This is a line from City Slickers.  Did you recognize it?

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