Friday, May 16, 2014

Free Art Sunday

There is no denying that London is a very expensive city - especially if you have our champagne tastes.  But there really is a lot on offer for free as well.  When I went home in April I sent Bill to see the Chihuly glass scupture in Berkeley Square but I wanted to check it out for myself.  I'm surprised that these glass spirals don't break off in the bad weather or from some drunken idiot touching it.  
(We didn't touch it - I am referring to OTHER drunken idiots.)
 Then it was off to Trafalgar Square to hear the London Symphony Orchestra play a free concert.   It was pretty packed but we managed to get in before they were at capacity.

 We sat on a wall where we could easily see the big screen and listened to a few songs. Then they started talking.  The conductor talked, the sponsor talked, blah, blah, blah…it was free but it was boring.  They talked after every song.  We didn't want to listen to so much talking.  Mr Dibley should be happy we left him at home.
 Instead I played with the settings on the camera and took shots of the National Gallery and St Martin's. I like the old-timey effect of the dark edges.  

Then we finally packed it in and went out to dinner.  Bill and I can only do free for so long before we are itching to spend.

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