Thursday, May 8, 2014

Whitney Loves Trees

Of all my friends I think Whitney has the honor of being my "oldest".  So it's nice to still be surprised with new insight into her personality every now and then.  I found out this past weekend that Whitney loves trees.  If she could do it all over again, she might be an arborist right now (the way that I might be a meteorologist - - is that news to anyone?  See, you can all learn from this post!)

While Whitney was here we went for several walks around the parks.  I call this shot: 
Person, Pelvis, Palace
 It was on these walks that I came to realize just how much Whitney loves trees.  Her favorite was not in the park but tucked away in a really good mews near our house.    We actually went several times to see it.

 Whitney and Her Tree
 This is the mews (tree is off to the left, not really in the shot).  We were showing it to her because we agree that it's one of the few mewses (mewsi?) that could be considered superior to our own due to it being a dead end and quite lush.
 When Whitney and I went back to visit the tree she chatted up a couple who were coming out of the fenced garden area and they were nice enough to let her in to get up close and personal with the tree.

You'll have to come back soon, Whitney, your tree awaits!!

1 comment:

didi said...

Whitney looks cute in her pink top & sneakers. Jen,I thought you'd be a taxidermist in your alternative career?