Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Birthday Miracle for Weak Sauce

Our team grew so much this week that we needed to use two team names.  Chris, our usual quiz master, wasn't there and his sub was sticking by the 4-people-per-team rule. In the end we had 9 brains on the case.  Jedi Knights and Weak Sauce were actually in the lead through most of the night!!

From right - Ann Maria, Jen, John, Andy (talking to two folks who weren't officially playing with us), Jane and Marty.  Jane lives nearby and Marty is her brother.  They are from Idaho but she has lived here for 20 years and sounds like Brit.  I don't think I've ever met anyone from Idaho before.  Strange that I should meet them in a pub in London.  Unphotographed are Bill, Dave (workmate of Andy and John) and Diane - a woman that Bill and I met last week at a restaurant.  She lives in Florida and is here on business so we told her to join the group.

There is Dave's head directly behind Jane below.  These extra folks were key to our success.  We have NEVER done so well….and probably never will again.  I started to wonder if Bill somehow rigged it for my birthday.  In the end Weak Sauce came in #3!  Jedi Knights tied for first with BUFFET!!  Booooo!  Where did Buffet come from??  I thought they were way behind us but the last round is a real test - - if you get one wrong you lose all your points for the round and I wanted to play it safe.  Thus, Jedi Knights and Buffet took the chance and made it work for them.  They had a tie breaking question - - what was the last year that saw the dodo??  Buffet came closer.  It was in the 1600's.
Bill brought a birthday present to the pub.  Now I have my own little doppelgänger!!  Jane was hysterical - - "I honestly don't mean this to be obnoxious but is it a chew toy??"  She could not for the life of her figure out why we would have these.  "Is it a sponge?"
I was sad to hear that this was Andy's last night for now - he won't be working at the Paddington office any more.  Also, I gave John our blog info because he wanted to see the photos we take every week.  Hopefully we didn't say anything offensive although I know I did scold him for putting the wrong age on his sting web site profile.  I stand by that, though.
Diane (how did we not get her in any photos??) brought a flask!!!  We all passed it around.  This is how we roll.  I know Kats is horrified right now, screaming "Stranger Danger" at the blog.

They drink from a flask with class in Idaho.
We're #3!!!  Bill kept telling me to act like I've been there before.  But since I haven't, I didn't know what that looked like and decided to enjoy it while it lasted.
Pub Quiz:  
Who got sick and cancelled his tour of Japan?
What bald swimmer won the olympics in 1980?
What movie sequel had the title Continental Drift?
What sports announcer wrote "My Family and Other Animals"?
What age is a Jewish boy bar mitzvahed?
Who danced at the billboard awards as a hologram?
List 5 acts who have played duet with Tom Jones.
(This is all I can remember.  I'm looking at the answer sheet full of names that have no meaning to me.)


Kats said...

Bloody brilliant, you lot! I'm delighted for you and the other weak saucy members of the team!

STRANGER DANGER indeed! I'm shivering at the thought! I can see herpes in your future, or at least a case of the lurgy. I hope you had some anti-bac with you, birthday babe! Love the chewy spongy dolls, Bill is a rock star husband.

Lisa Roberts said...

Love your doppelgangers. Shocking how much Bill's looks JUST like him!

didi said...

Why does one bring a flask to a pub?

Whitney said...

Where did you get the chew toys?????