Saturday, May 10, 2014

Fun Friday at the British Library

Fun Friday is back!!! The British Library is not just a library but also houses a museum area chock full of amazing things - - ancient books, illuminated scriptures, historical documents (such as an actual letter from Elizabeth I to Edward the VI), lyrics jotted by various Beatles (like A Hard Day's Night on the back of Julian Lennon's first birthday card!), one of the original copies of the Magna Carta….it's all here.
But you won't be seeing any of it on the blog because no photography was allowed in that area.  I have to keep reminding myself that something I can't photograph is still worth looking at because my first thought was "What's the point?"

The library is next to the beautiful St Pancras building.
 Photography was allowed in the lobby areas where there was plenty of art and statues.  Say yes to life!

 In the center of the library is the King's Library Tower - the six-storey collection of George III (my Windsor boyfriend!  I knew we were soul mates.)
 There were lots of places for people to sit and read or work and I only had time to walk through a fraction of the library.  
 I'll bet this is pretty comfortable - -a spot to lean rather than sit.
Book art - functional and attractive.
Next stop - the shop! And of course I took waaaaaay too long puttering around the books and bookish trinkets before I realized I needed to race home to work. Next Friday's goal is fun AND photography!!


Lisa Roberts said...

I LOVE the "British Library" sign. The leaning table is handy too. Some good furniture design at work. My uncle loves to go here every time he visits London. He said there are some important documents on display that he likes to see. Very cool!

didi said...

Love the book chair!