Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fools on a Hill

Saturday was too nice to spend indoors so we headed to Primrose Hill.  

If we were truly British we would have packed a picnic with champers but instead we hit the beer garden for a burger, pint and a laugh.

And we strolled the shops for a bit…
Then we sat down to enjoy the view.
This is one of Kats' favorite areas in London so these shots are for you!!

I know that sitting in the park doesn't make for a very exciting post but it was such a beautiful day we really couldn't be expected to do anything else.  Although Bill was dressed for a spontaneous golf game if one should happen to appear.

The day only got exciting when a last minute Skype call was arranged with the Babes in Boulder (there is a Booktopia happening this weekend and several of us are missing it!!)  We had four different lines at one point (Dawn-Concord MA, Chris-Bristol VT, and Jana/Nancy/Lisa-Boulder) but kept losing the Boulderites visually.  All we needed was our Swiss Miss and a better video line.  At least we got to hear everyone's voice for a few minutes of audio reunion. xox
In the end everyone dropped except Chris and me….and Earle who put in his silent 2 cents.


Whitney said...

Jen, i like the new shirt from anthropologie with the red pants!

Team Strunkin said...

I would just like to say that Dima would be very proud of Bill with his murse (man purse)! Dima is also a fan of the murse like most worldly men.