Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Joining Forces

It's quiz night again!!  This week Ann Maria arrived for the first round AND we joined forces with two of the Jedi Knights.  Our combination was Jedi Sauce (I wanted Weak Knights but was out voted).  This is A.M. and I with Jedi John.
The team did really well with very little input from Bill and I.  I think Bill and I knew three answers in the whole quiz while John, Andy and A.M. carried us to a 33 point non-loss.  Bill snapped a whole bunch of pictures while I was wracking my brain (and arm pit?) for the answer to this:  What was the name of Robin Williams' character in Dead Poet's Society.  All I could think of was "O Captain, My Captain!"  
As you can see, I was disgruntled about the question and the picture.

The weekly shot of our quiz master.
Ok, now for some serious quizzing...
What specifically did Tim Berners-Lee invent?
Who sang "Love and Affection" and "Drop the Pilot"?
Who plays Em in the show "Doll and Em"?
What is Michael Wheatley's nickname?
What company recently dropped the ingredient BVO?
List 5 Asian countries beginning with the letter "I"
In darts, what is the lowest number that cannot be scored with one dart?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hmm, judging from the questions you posted, I'm not sure I would have been much help... But Secret Weapon Tony -- he probably would have known them all!