Friday, May 9, 2014

Now batting .... number 8 ... left field .... Trudi .....

Nephew Jeff came into Boston to catch his Reds take on our Red Sox.  He talked to the brass at Fenway prior to coming in order to get wheelchair access for a friend but at the last minute his friend couldn't come so he took Trudi as his date. Mom would never have been able to go to the game if she had to do any walking, so this worked out just perfect.  They took a tour of Fenway and got on the field.  Mom was ecstatic. 
Love Jeffie for doing this.
 Hate Jeffie for doing this.  He put my Mom in a Red's hat.  How dare he take advantage of my 80 year old mother like this.
And mother!  Don't you remember 1975 when those heathen Reds from Cincinnati came and stole our world championship away?  Don't you remember Tony Perez' home run off of Bill Lee's lob curve that brought the Red's back from the brink?  Don't you remember Joe Morgan's bloop single of Roger Moret to drive home the winning run?  And that dirt ball Pete Rose celebrating on Boston soil?  Sacrilege.  
I'm sure you were caught up in the moment, but come on, Trudi!
(At least she wore the hat gansta style as a sign of defiance.  Good for you, Trudi!  I take back my rant.)
 I love that Mom was on the field.  She should have shagged a few fly balls and made them escort her off aggressively.  That would have been the coup de gras.  
Sorry we missed you,  Jeff.  Thanks for giving my Mom this treat.


Unknown said...

love it looks beautiful out..or is that your moms shining face?? xxxm

Team Strunkin said...

I can so relate to this dilemma as my Mom is from Cinti and while she loves the Reds, I do think she has converted to a Red Sox fan!

didi said...

Yay Trudi!