Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Quiz Night May 6th

Fly on my drawing.  (Mother Entwistle will be glad to see pen on paper….)
Bill's Tuesday work outfit.  Plaid Bonanza.
Here's a little insight into how we blog.   Sometimes one of us add the photos and the other comes along to write something.  The result can be a little disjointed at times.  So we move from Bill's outfit to...Quiz Night!
I was so happy when Ann Maria arrived at the pub that I threw my pen at her.
 She arrived after the second round so we had her buckle right down to work. Chris was not impressed with our results this week despite coming in 8th of 11 teams.
 We even tied with the Jedi Knights!!!
 The winning team, Orchestra, was near us so I asked this South African woman to lean over and get some answers.  She was having none of it.
Side note:  their name is cockney rhyming slang - - Orchestra Stalls = Balls.
We were just happy we didn't come in last.  We maintain our perfect non-losing standing for another week.

We didn't get any new acting exercises from Ann Maria but we did walk down the street like The Monkees.

And we did synchronized jumps.

The quiz was so hard that I barely understood the questions to jot them down.  
The Top 5 lists were countries with Snooker (there was more to that one but as soon as we heard Snooker we groaned over the question and didn't hear it) and bands/artists with one name who have had 8 #1hits in the UK.  
Other questions (some we knew - some we didn't)
Name for a 6 inch sardine
Who is on a 50 pound note?
Who is the new host of University Challenge?
What London areas has a post code starting with IG?
Who was the main character in Breakfast at Tiffany's?


Whitney said...

Love the outfit Bill! I gave Aaron his goodies last night. He may need a pocket square lesson from the master.

Mom said...

So, Bill, how will I know which are your ink marks and which are fly specks?

Lisa Roberts said...

I LOVE the plaid bonanza outfit. Based on the questions, I'd be helpless and just keep drinking. I'm not sure I'd continue returning to Quiz Night. Those questions are too difficult for this brain.