Monday, May 19, 2014

Chinese Charlie Brown

Bill is constantly trying to get me to go for Chinese food.  Not that I don't like Chinese food but it just doesn't seem very British.  The other night we were near China town so I relented and let him pick the tackiest restaurant he could find.  Mr Dibley was appalled. 
You might be thinking that this looks like every other Chinese restaurant.  But what's that behind me??
Ahhh yes, it's Charlie Brown and his gang in karate outfits under cellophane.  

I'm fairly certain that Charles M. Schulz did not write Kung Fu, Charlie Brown.  But maybe they tailored him for every culture and I just don't realize it?  Something about the plastic just seems wrong - like they can't breathe.
I was happy with my generic red wine and crispy duck.  Mr. Dibley made us promise never to put him under plastic.

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