Friday, May 30, 2014

Still Guernsey - Castle Cornet

You may have noticed in many of our Guernsey pictures that there was a castle in the background.
This is a picture of Bill telling me to go have fun in the castle.  He wanted no part of it.
 Why wouldn't you want to go inside?  It was 4:20PM and the castle closed at 5:00PM.  I knew that on my own I could do a "Power Tour" and get out before they locked the door.
This was another one of those castles that do not have a lot in terms of interiors.  But I do love the stone walls, tunnels, and staircases that connect the various levels.
 And it had little formal gardens that are kept as they would have been centuries ago.

 There was also not much in the way of information - - no audio tour.  Just plaques on the wall but even those were a bit few and far between.  Well, there were some museums but I certainly didn't have time for those and they looked like places where there might be wax figures which are not my favorite.  
The castle was used by the Germans during the occupation and they did a few add ons like this little gunman look out box (I can't think of what to call this right now) named after a fraulein.
 Imagine sitting here for hours looking out for ships.

 These are the Musket Steps.  Rows of musket men would be lined up - as the top step fired they would step down and the next row would step up, fire and so on.  It was  supposedly efficient but it seems like they would bump into each other on the way up and down.
 And then it was time for dinner!!  Heading out for the night.

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