Sunday, May 4, 2014

Saturday Part One - Shopping with Whitney

We took Whitney to Shorditch for a spot of shopping.  
This sign immediately caught her eye and we had to validate its claim.

I had raspberry with white chocolate flakes.  The difference between a normal doughnut and a Dumdum Doughnut is that it is baked, not fried, making it "lighter".  It was tasty but I guess I'm not a doughnut aficionado because I didn't find it to be anything spectacular…although I did eat the whole thing just to be sure.

After very little shopping we wound up at lunch.  We went to the food stalls that Bill discovered last weekend.  Bill and I went Argentinian while Whitney went Middle Eastern.

I loved loved loved this taxidermied fox curled up in the front of a hair salon.  Doesn't Simon need a little sleepy friend??? 
When you are on Brick Lane there are a million people handing out leaflets.  We usually walk right by but one girl was smart enough to say "blah blah blah taxidermy blah blah…" so I turned around to ask for more detail.  Turns out there was a pop up art exhibit/sale that included some great taxidermy.  Like this peacock.
And this fox. 
The space was very cool - - they took a big empty warehouse and set up a lounge area, sold coffee, had tables of artsy stuff and jewelry for sale and had art hanging all around the perimeter.

But the day was just getting started.  Bill left us to shop and went to meet another group of visitors.  Tune in tomorrow for Saturday part two!

1 comment:

amp said...

Fantastic. Sounds like the dumdum doughnuts were another cronut knock-off, not that there's anything wrong with that.