Monday, June 30, 2014

Soggy Saturday on Eel Pie Island

Rainy Saturday.  Pro - I get to wear my new raincoat.  Con - it's damn cold and my feet are wet (ok that's two cons).  Why didn't I wear my wellies?

First stop - lunch in Richmond.  We were able to sit outside thanks to a little terrace roof.

But after lunch we walked to Twickenham to go to Eel Pie Island.  We went there last summer and did a post about it but since it's a private island you can usually only walk down one little path before you are shut out.  This Saturday, however, was open studio day so all the artists' studios were open to the public.

The walk between the towns is beautiful.  But muddy.  And my laces dragged in the mud and then slapped up on to my leg.  I was basically a disaster from the knees down.  But don't you love my coat??

Photo op - old car with cool interior.

We're here!!

Unfortunately we didn't find any art to add to our own collection but it was fun to wander around all the little studios.
After a few hours in the rain I was ready for tea.  The Royal Yacht Club was open for visitors and putting on a cream tea for the public.  Yes, please!

As we were having our tea I looked up to see a familiar face on the wall above the stage.  
Phil Collins??  
And there is his gold album.  

Turns out Phil spent a lot of time on Eel Pie Island growing up and played his very first concert at the original Yacht Club (which burnt down and this is the new rebuild).  Home town boy makes good.
Actually a lot of bands played at the legendary Eel Pie Island Hotel in the 50's and 60's including David Bowie, The Who, The Rolling Stones, and Pink Floyd.  The hotel burned down in the 70's so now it's mostly an artist colony and boating community. Hmmm..that sounds like an unusual number of fires for such a small island, doesn't it?
(We may have posted this history in our write up last summer but I'm too lazy to look and I figured you would all need a refresher.)

On the way back to the mainland we took a few shots of the funky houses along the path.  I think we photographed them before but they were still intriguing.

It rained so much the side walk was flooding as we crossed back.  We've actually had tremendous weather these past few weeks so I know I shouldn't complain about a little rain but I was very happy to get home and into a hot tub with a cup of tea to warm up. Sorry, no photos of that! ;-)

Sunday, June 29, 2014


One of the gaps in our experience in England was to attend Wimbledon.  
Let's just check that one off the list.
For me, not Jen.... sorry Jennie.  
I received a call from the agency we are using for some hiring.  They had an extra ticket. 
Here is my Wimbledon experience.

The agency has a spot at The Gatsby Club.
 It's first class for sure.

I just noticed this picture splintered that guy on the right... sorry buddy.

The room was covered in green and pink.  They throw an army of waitstaff at you.  They did one of those presentations where they bring out everyone's food at once, eight waitresses marching in a row like ducks, all dressed the same.  I actually find that a bit disconcerting.  It's too formal for me.

There were dozens of greeters.  All dressed in this bright fuchsia.  Again, they are so formal.  I tried to joke around with the one assigned to our table and she took my little banter too seriously.  I stopped bantering.

I've been known to wear some pink, but good God this is a loud couch.  And it's shaped like lips.

I loved having an OysterMeister.  He walked around shucking oysters at our command.
Check out his metal glove.  It was a little Terminator-ish.  This guy looks like he has taken a life using that glove.  Actually he has, if you count the oyster.

A little mishap.  The guy behind me had sauce spilled down his back.  The crack waitstaff was rubbing him for a while to get the stain out.  A few minutes later I checked and it was gone.  Either they slipped out and bought him a new shirt or they are stain geniuses.

This is what I ordered.  I felt a bit of guilt over how decadent it was, but it felt right in the setting of Wimbledon.

Enjoying a cigar on a practice court.
This day was not suppose to happen this way, by the way.  In addition to being a surprise invite, the weather was scheduled for thundershowers all day long.  They were predicting they might get a set in late in the day.
Rain never came.  It was gorgeous, almost too warm.

A guy they called Gorgeous George drove us over to the stadium in the giant golf cart.  He was a wild driver.  It was fun to see the posh crowd all oo-ing and ah-ing with each turn and bump.

And then I was at the stadium.

They bought us a steady stream of Pimms.  Of course it was Pimms.

We watched the match between Li Na from China and Barbora Zahlavova Srycova from the Czech Republic.  
Great match.  They were evenly matched and played some fantastic volleys.  I rooted for Li Na because of my Chinese friends, so of course she was beat in an upset.

Outside the stadium you could have your pic taken with last year's men's winner, Andy Murray.
The women I was with posed with their hands on his genitals.  They were HR people too.  It figures.

What a great day.  I was even given free swag; a Wimbledon umbrella and towel.
I shouldn't have said that, maybe I can give them as a gift for someone ....

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Dinner with the Boys

It's been a long time since we saw Alex and John.  Blog readers will recall that we met them on Bill's birthday at the cigar bar on top of Boisdale restaurant.  We saw them a few times after that but not since we moved to London.  Last night we remedied that with dinner, some New Orleans jazz, and a cigar.

Bill and John
This is our waitress Ksenja.  She knew how to work the table.
The restaurant was busy with two large parties so our service was a little delayed.  In between the starter and the main we went up to the cigar terrace to make sure the boys got their stogies in before it closed at 11:00.  The nonsmokers had a very animated conversation about black pudding and how Stornaway was the best.

While the smokers had an ash contest.  Alex won.

Back at the table for some food and jazz.

And dancing!  We were right next to the little patch of dance floor.
This is me trying to act oblivious/casual so Bill can get his booty shot.
Eventually we were overcome by the music and had to partake!

We actually did get up and dance the last song before we left.  
A fun night in Belgravia.