Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to 2014 and Joey 2.0

Joey invited Jen and I to dinner last night at this apartment in Salem.  It's a lovely third floor flat that he's keeping up far better than I would have guessed.  Joey was the kid who would tuck a half eaten sandwich under his mattress without thinking twice.  When he moved away Jen and I found all sorts miscellaneous detritus.
 But Joey, on his own, has become .... dare I say it .... almost adult!  He is organised, he cooks (limited range - he made us tacos -  but he has "improve cooking skills" on his resolutions), he cleans.  What happened?  Where, oh where did we go right?!!!  How can we bottle this parenting skill?!
 Look at the organised book shelf!
 But wait.... he's not yet an adult.
(You have to give it to me for capturing the Nerf Gun shot in action)
 Alas, being mature is not Jen and my thing.  We took turns jumping on Joey's bed.
 How can our kids blossom into adulthood when his parents are perpetually stuck as immature children?  Interesting question, indeed.....

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