Monday, January 20, 2014

Sunday with the Beatles

I'm surprised it's taken Bill and I this long to check out Abbey Road.   The last time I was here was 35 years ago with Whitney.  In those days the street sign was still on the low wall like the album cover.  After many years of vandalism and thievery they have moved it  out of harms way.
 In the year 2014, nothing is pure.  A cross walk is no longer just a cross walk.  It's a money making venture.  Several entrepreneurs were out (in yellow crossing guard vests) ready to take your picture as you cross the street and sell it to you.  The one benefit was that they did stop the traffic to get a good shot.  This is a very busy street and many of the drivers were highly irritated by all the crossers.  I didn't blame them.  If I lived around here I would find another route to avoid this nonsense.
 However, it was fabulous people watching.  In the end I was more excited about getting shots of all these people doing their various strides and poses than I was about crossing myself.

After a while I did get a little tired of the whole scene and crossed in a fairly un-Beatle-esque fashion.

Around the corner was the house where Paul McCartney lived in St. John's Wood.   We hope.  At least according to the internet this was his house.  There is no blue plaque but there were a couple other tourists who wandered over as well and we all agreed that this was the house on Wikipedia.  Another Liverpool rocker, Billy Fury, lived (and died) a few houses away.  He has a blue plaque but no tourists.   (I'm googling him right now and I still don't know who he is.)  Maybe it's cooler not to get the blue plaque.

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