Monday, January 27, 2014

I wish I had real monkeys at my wedding

Here are a few more pictures from the wedding day.

I like how the priest has a sash that has an advertisement on it.

Despite my breech of cultural norms in wearing the wrong outfit to the reception, I am a hit with the ladies of India.

Aditi and I.  She also is nonplussed over my wearing my outfits in the wrong order.

If a fight broke out this fearsome foursome would get our asses kicked.

This dude was outside the temple with his sheep.

Also outside the temple.... monkeys!  They don't have squirrels, they have mangy monkeys.  I was very excited about it.  Until they told me they pickpocket people.
Just proves the old adage that you can't trust a monkey.

1 comment:

didi said...

Seeing the colorful outfits at this wedding and thinking about our wardrobe, Bill, I think you may have been Indian in a previous life.