Friday, January 10, 2014

The Other Man

Leaving Windsor means leaving the other man in my life - King George III.  For the the past year and a half George has been my destination - the apex of my daily walk. At first, he was just a landmark.  Then he became something more...a goal…a reminder of accomplishment…someone I looked forward to seeing every week day.  I liked to think that he could see me coming out of the corner of his eye (he faces away from the walk) and would look forward to my visit as much as I looked forward to seeing him.

I blogged about the Long Walk a lot over the past year and I know no one wants to see another post, but here it is anyway.  This is one of my favorite spots on Earth - standing under George looking back at Windsor Castle.  They are both so majestic and British.  And for a year and half, so was I.


didi said...

Bye George!

Anonymous said...

You'll always be majestic no matter where you are :)
