Saturday, January 4, 2014

Family Time in Albany

Spending time with the family over the holidays is stressful for some.   I think it's important to know how to deal with conflict.

Please note, no family members were injured in the making of this blog post.  But it looks like some were happier about that than others.
This is not a violence induced hematoma.  Heather's boyfriend Matt cut himself while shaving his own head.  We called him Gorbachev all night.
We actually had a quite a fun Friday night last week in Albany (Was it only last week?  Somehow my days have all run together on this trip.)  This was our "Christmas Eve" dinner at an Irish Mexican place in Troy.  They had traditional food but also combos like corned beef and cabbage quesadillas. 

By day they are Bill and Mom but by night they are Pinky and the Brain.
Pinky:  Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?
Brain:  The same thing we do every night, Pinky.  Try and take over the world!!

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