Monday, January 13, 2014

Welcome to the Mews

As promised - interior shots today.   Before the tour I should explain the inspection…when we first arrived we were greeted by a man from some sort of agency (not the realtor) who does a check in inspection.  He goes around and notes EVERY scrape and scuff.  If there is a crack in the wall, scale on the faucet, fray in the doormat he marks it down.  Things have to be in the same condition (or with reasonable wear and tear) when we leave.  Considering Bill taped a map to the guest room wall in Eton that took off big swaths of wallpaper I was very keen to pay attention to this man.  We are supposed to get permission in writing before we put any nails in the wall etc and you all know I'm a rule follower.  The artwork is currently leaning.

When you come in the front door there is a little entry way.  To the left is the door to the master bedroom and straight ahead are stairs leading to the rest of the flat. This is the master.  The dresser was here but we brought the shelves.  There is a lot of closet space but one of the spaces is filled with the washer and dryer.
Let's go up stairs….Simon is here to greet us!
 Luckily there was already a nail in the fireplace wall for the Queen.  All the furniture (except the TV and stand and the little leather poof) are part of the flat.

 The kitchen is smaller here - even our meager dish ware fills the cabinets.  It's nice to have a fireplace even if it is gas.  
 The high ceilings make it feel roomier.  And the beam gives us a place to hang the bunting.
Perhaps the most important feature - his and hers loos!  Mine is the one off the master and Bill's has the upstairs off the guest room.  I gave him the standing shower and the bidet.  Hmmm…might there be a bidet post in our future??  
I got the bath with the hand held shower.  I did pretty well this morning but it's definitely something I need to practice.
The guest room is off the living room at the top of the stairs.  Unfortunately it's a small double bed instead of the two narrow twins we had in the other house  - so probably not comfortable for two people who aren't already in a very close relationship.  Also Bill will be watching you.

1 comment:

didi said...

Looks lovely! More seating in the living room. Can I use Bill's shower next time I visit? :)